Sunday, December 25, 2011

Merry Christmas!

Today is Christmas...and whether or not you celebrate, today is a day to remember and strive for peace, love and kindness to ourselves and our fellow that this Earth can be a better place. 
Merry Christmas!

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Upcoming Workshop

I am happy to announce that the Happy and Healthy Parenting Workshop is once again being offered. Here are the details...and please feel free to share with those you know who may be interested! Also, if you want to read more about what this workshop is about and hopes to achieve, read my blog post here. As always, don't hesitate to contact me with any questions.

Thursday, November 10, 2011


I recently came across the website: Surviving the World. It has some funny, insightful and sometimes wacky but true bits of wisdom. Check it out.

One of my favs is this picture. It's a great visual of what Life Coaching stands for. Sometimes we are so entrenched in our problem(s) that we just can't see the way out. When you're stuck in the middle of the maze, a Life Coach can help you step back in order for you to find the solution.

Saturday, September 10, 2011

Meditation Moment

If you have ever felt overwhelmed by the idea of meditation, here is a short video that can change that! Meditation doesn't have to be difficult. All it takes to begin enjoying the benefits of mindfulness is a moment!


Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Getting Close!

The Happy and Healthy Workshop is coming up in a couple of days!

We will be closing registration tomorrow so if you would like to participate make sure you contact us soon! Because of the nature of the workshop, the group dynamic is key, so we need a minimum of 5 participants (either couples or single parents) and currently we only have a if you've been thinking of registering now is the time! You can contact Dr. Sherisse O'Leary at (902) 293-2206. Or you can email me.

If we do end up rescheduling, the workshop will be held in the early-mid Fall, so keep your eyes and ears open for that upcoming date.

Thanks for your interest!

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Happy and Healthy

Remember not too long ago I posted the quote, "When you know better, you do better"? Well, I am happy to announce that my colleague, Dr. Sherisse O'Leary and I will be facilitating a workshop next month that really encompasses what this wonderful bit of wisdom from Maya Angelou touches upon.

I've always been passionate about finding one's inner wisdom and when I became a mother this was taken to a whole new level for me. I started to realize that our society is often not supportive of encouraging parents to find and follow their inner wisdom when it comes to parenting choices and decisions. More often that not, parents are made to feel that they have to follow a certain regime, or routine, and that their babies should be doing certain things at specific times and if they aren't, that there's something "wrong". But the truth of the matter is that there is never just one way of doing things and that for each family this can be different. There is however, a common thread: parents that feel informed, confident and empowered are able to enjoy the parenting journey and make choices and decisions that leave them with a sense of satisfaction and well-being. Yet, not many parents start off their parenting journey with this confidence and empowerment.

There is much focus placed on pregnancy well-being and preparing for birth, however, there is a lack of information and support provided to parents for what comes after. Of course, there are hundreds of books and other resources out there, but many times parents and parents-to-be find it overwhelming to find the time to read, let alone to decipher the often contradicting advice and info given to them from all the different approaches to parenting.

What parents need so this confusion and doubt can be avoided is for them to have a sense of purpose and truth about the parent they envision themselves to be and the family they want to create. With this vision in place, they are better able to navigate the parenting information sphere! Moreover, they are better able to negotiate and accept or decline advice or suggestions given to them by others, instead of letting this advice create more doubt and confusion! However, as parents, we are rarely encouraged to think about how we will parent. We also often feel guilt about wanting to maintain and pursue personal goals once we become parents. However, practicing Self-Care and not losing track of who we are as individuals is important too.

All this (and more!) is stuff  we will be discussing and presenting about during the workshop!

Dr. O'Leary and I have come together to collaborate on this workshop because we both feel there is a need to provide parents and parents-to-be with the information and tools they need to maximize happiness and health in their parenting journey. We both wish there had been something like this available when we first embarked on our parenting journey.

The workshop information is below. Please feel free to pass it along if you know of someone who may be interested!

Saturday, June 11, 2011

My Fair Baby Event

Today, Dr. Sherisse O'Leary (ND) and I attended the annual Midwifery Coalition Fair My Fair Baby to promote our businesses and a workshop we are facilitating together.

It was a fun and interactive afternoon. It was refreshing to chat with everyone that stopped by!

We also held a draw for a free Coaching session or a free Naturopathic visit.

All in all it was a great afternoon and I hope that we sparked some interest in those that stopped by to chat!

I also got to go around and meet some of the other vendors. I chatted with some pretty incredible and inspiring people...all committed and passionate about helping families. And now I'd like to share this list with you. Check out their info!

Annette Goodwin & Andrea Stewart: Calming Presence Doula Services

Sarah Goble: Lido Skin Care

Stephanie Kincade: S.Kin' Designs

Angela Johnston: Valley Cloth Diaper Company

Shannon Hardy: Venus Envy (and Halifax Birth)

Staff from the Single Parent Centre in Halifax 

Jolyn Swain: Nurtured

Thursday, June 2, 2011

The Power of Self-Awareness

"When you know better, you do better."
                                                                       - Maya Angelou

This beautiful piece of wisdom applies to all areas of life. If we trudge through each day unaware of the things within and around us that are preventing us from being happy and feeling fulfilled, there is not much we can do to change. But just as soon as we welcome awareness, we begin to feel the need to change and remove those things we know are limiting us. Awareness is often all it takes to solve an issue...but often it's the hardest thing to awaken in ourselves. Being self-aware and heightening knowledge of ourselves can be daunting and sometimes frightening. But the benefits of self-awareness certainly outweigh the temporary discomfort of the journey.

Not only is the journey of self-awareness and self-discovery beneficial to ourselves, but also to those we love, especially our children. Because as the wise quote above says, we will do better when we have knowledge as our ally. And certainly our children deserve our best!

A few weeks ago I had the privilege of attending a V.I.E.W seminar facilitated by Bobbi Beuree. I was amazed to experience an incredible moment of self-discovery that cleared up a lot of the fog surrounding a decision in my life that I was struggling with. As soon as the light of awareness shone upon those long-buried beliefs and assumptions I had about myself, I felt a sense of clarity and understanding and was able to finally feel a sense of peace about this particular decision.

I feel that ever since I began this journey of self-discovery a few years ago, it's like the flood gates of empowerment have opened and it just keeps coming! I love it! And I find myself wishing others may also experience this positive energy! That's why I love this area of work and I am very excited to find and create ways to encourage others to find the power self-awareness brings. 

There are a few projects in the works right now that I'm very excited about! And just as soon as they are ready to share, I will!

Monday, April 25, 2011

Spring Special!

We had a lovely weekend complete with weather that left me feeling renewed and refreshed!

Spring is the time of year we feel ourselves emerging from the depths of Winter...we shed our warm layers and begin afresh.

Maybe the Winter months gave you time to think about changes you want to make in your life or goals and dreams you are ready to pursue. Or maybe you are finally ready to see the end of that nagging problem you just can't seem to shake off, but you need some insight on how to say goodbye!

Whatever the issue may be, a Coach can help you sort through the rubble our minds sometimes create. A Coach can provide a safe space where there are no expectations and no judgement...there is only room for growth and creativity! You will feel refreshed and renewed after a Coaching session.

And if you need more encouragement, I am having a limited time Spring special! So book your session now and get a 20% discount on all initial and follow up sessions.

I look forward to hearing from you!

Sunday, April 24, 2011

"Your vision will become clear only when you look into your heart. Who looks outside, dreams. Who looks inside, awakens."

Carl Jung

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Ode to the Brain

I came across this very creative piece tonight and wanted to share it with you. It's an artistic way to summarize the important pieces of what our brain is and does! If you get a chance and have the time, I recommend watching the full videos from Dr. Jill Bolte-Taylor and Dr. V Ramachandran. Two greatly inspiring and informative videos.

For now, enjoy this short Symphony of Science piece...and take home the message: "...we can change ourselves...think of the possibilities..."

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Melody Inspired

I've had a long, tiring week. At one point I let it all go. I embraced the hectic-ness and breathed deep. Sometimes that's all you can do. This morning I turned on the iPod and this song came on. It was a refreshing little tidbit of inspiration that went right to my awaiting heart. And it made me feel better. Especially the line, "life is short as the day is long". I have been watching as my children grow right before my eyes, and I remind myself that all too soon they will no longer be little. I love how music can do that! So here it is, I hope it brings cheer to someone who needs it today...

"Here's To You"
Brooke Fraser

Cheers to the furrows on our brow 
To each hard-won victory 
Cheers to the losses that grew us up 
Killed our pride, and filled our cup 

Cheers to the friendships well worn in 
That time nor distance alter 
Here's to the sleepers we'll see again 
Find company in memoria 

Open your mouth and sing out your song 
Life is short as the day is long 
I can't leave you my body 
But I'll leave you a tune 
This is my legacy 
Cheers to you 

Cheers to the passing of our youth 
And the death of lust not one day 
A toast to the lessons not yet learned 
And to the trials that will teach them 

Open your mouth and sing out your song 
Life is short as the day is long 
I can't leave you my body 
But I'll leave you a tune 
This is my legacy 
Cheers to you 

Open your mouth and sing out your song 
Life is short as the day is long 
I can't leave you my body 
But I'll leave you a tune 

Open your mouth, and sing out your song 
Life is short as the day is long 
I can't leave you my body 
But I'll leave you a tune 
This is my legacy 
This is my legacy 
This is my legacy 
Cheers to you

Friday, April 15, 2011

What's The Point Of Life Coaching?

Someone asked me the other day, "What's the point of Life Coaching?"

I have to admit that getting asked questions like this still puts me on the spot! But only for a second. I remember that I know the answer and that I am more than happy to share it.

Yes, it's true that to some Life Coaching may seem silly, even pointless. After all, shouldn't we be able to just figure things out on our own? Shouldn't we be able to know how to solve our problems without a Coach? Well ideally the answer would be "Yes!" But in reality many of us aren't able to for several reasons. The first reason is that when we have a problem, concern or issue, we often become very involved with it. The problem becomes attached to us and we sink deeper into it. We get to the point where we have mulled it over for so long that it no longer makes sense, and we seem to go in circles trying to figure it out.

Sound familiar? I know I've been there.

Psychology researchers have found that people are more creative at problem solving when it comes to a perfect stranger's issues, than when it comes to their own. Researchers explain this phenomenon by stating that when someone comes to a problem fresh and without attachment to it, the solution may be more readily available.

Here is where coaching can come in handy!

We often become our own saboteur. Not because we want to, but just because of the nature of our behaviour and the way our mind works.

Having someone who understands this and who can view your concern unbiased can be very helpful to getting you out of the rut and help you move past it.

Another question I often get asked is, "Isn't Life Coaching just like Therapy or Counselling?" Well the answer is "Yes and No". Counselling is often focused on dealing with past events. Helping you understand and acknowledge things that may have happened and how they are affecting you now. Therapy is similar but has a more clinical component to it, providing the needed support to people who may be struggling with a mental health concern. While Coaching can help you overcome issues from your past that may be preventing you from achieving the goals you want to, it is primarily focused on dealing with the here and now and helping you find peace, happiness and motivation in the moment. This state of being will then fuel your desire to want to move forward, to achieve your goals, to find your passion and actually live it!

Coaching can be helpful when applied to so many aspects of life...there are business coaches, career coaches, personal development coaches, health coaches, fitness coaches, parent get the point.

The wonderful thing about coaching is that it is a fresh, energizing way to help you figure things out. Yes, there are a thousand-and-one amazing Self-Help books and plans and charts out there to help you achieve your goals. However, the truth of the matter is that many times we start off with good intentions and soon come to find ourselves settling back into our old way of doing things. That is because we don't have someone there, removed from our situation, helping us stay on track, reminding us of our goal and making us accountable for our actions. We see this all too often, in ourselves and in our friends. Remember all those New Year's Resolutions? We do so well for a week, maybe even a few weeks...but without the necessary support, we soon find ourselves putting them on the back burner. And many of us can't rely on our partner or friends all that much because well, our partner is emotionally attached to us and can help us (inadvertently) come up with good excuses...and well, our friends may be dealing with their own failed resolutions to be much help to us. Having a Coach provides that lifeline of support to helps us be accountable and reminds us that we don't want to come up with excuses anymore! That we do in fact want to succeed!

Coaching is also wonderful because the client leads the way. If one session is all you need to feel renewed, motivated and ready to follow your dream, that is great! Others may need a few more sessions to get to that point. However, in the end, no mater how long you seek coaching, it is all helpful. It will all contribute to your well-being and nothing can take that away.

I hope this has been helpful in clearing up some of the questions you may have had about Life Coaching. It is of course not an all-encompassing description, but I hope I have touched on the more important aspects of what it is and how it can help you.

I am always happy to answer your questions so don't hesitate to contact me!

And if you do decide to give Coaching a try, I'd be happy to help.